Previously been explained that without having an ideal and faith, man can not live healthy, nor can he render a benefit to mankind and human culture. If someone does not have an ideal and faith, then he will be preoccupied with the welfare of his own life, or will turn into a lifeless robot who grope in the dark and did not know their duties with regard to moral and social problems in this life. He will show a strange reaction to the problem of moral and social. When someone follows a sect, ideology or religion, he clearly knows his responsibilities. But someone whose responsibility it is not explained by the school or system, he will live in confusion, he was sometimes there and sometimes there. He will be eccentric or odd creatures. Surely there can be no two opinions about the need to follow a school or ideology.
It is important to note that religious faith alone can transform man into a true believer, and able to control egoism thanks to the powerful influence of a doctrine and ideology. Religious belief in oneself creates a total obedience, until that person can no longer be doubted very trivial doctrines contained in his school. He keeps his school with tenderness in his heart, and think that if his school without it life would make no sense, and vigorously support his ideology.
Character of Religious Beliefs
Religious tendencies encourage people to make efforts, even at the expense of individualistic and instinctive feelings. Sometimes people sacrifice their lives and social position for the sake of his religion. This can happen only when the ideal has been attained and fully control its existence. Only religiuslah strength that can make an ideal to be holy, and make this ideal has the authority to humans.
Indeed, often people sacrifice their lives, their property and all who loved not for the sake of an ideal or whatever religious beliefs, but because of pressure from hatred, envy, revenge, or because of a strong reaction to feeling oppressed. Such cases are common place throughout the world.
However, between the religious ideal and the ideal of non-religious makes no difference. Because religious beliefs can make an ideal to be holy, then for the sake of that belief made many sacrifices sincerely and instinctively. The task is accomplished by showing a sincere choice, but the task is accomplished due to the disturbing influence of mental stress, meaning an explosion. Clearly, there is a difference between them is great.
Furthermore, if the human conception of the world is material only and is basically just a reality that is invisible to the eye, then he saw all forms of social and human idealism with reality are invisible and their relationship to the world that he felt at a given moment.
American philosopher, psychologist at the same time the beginning of the 20th century, William James, said:
"Results from conception persepsional just selfishness, not idealism. Idealization is not going to cross the line if it is essentially a fantasy world conception of the ideal outcome is a logical question. Man must form a world of his own ideas, which are formed from the realities that exist within him , and lived happily with the world of ideas. However, if idealism born out of religious conviction, the idealism is essentially a conception of the world, the logical result supports the social ideal. Religious belief is a kind of intimate relationship between man and the world, or in other words a kind of harmony between man and the universal ideal. In contrast, non-religious beliefs and the ideal is sort pencampakan the visible world to build an imaginary world that did not have the support of the invisible world. "
Religious belief is not just for humans set number of tasks, regardless of instinctive tendencies, but also completely changed his view of the world. In view of this structure, he began to see new elements. The world is dry, cold, mechanical and material was converted into a living world. Religious belief change human impressions about the universe. William James said:
"The world is shown by the religious thought of not only the material world which has changed its shape, but also includes many aspects that can not be imagined by a materialist." (Psychoanalysis and Religion, p.. 508)
In addition, each man has a disposition to believe in truth and spiritual reality of interest. Humans have many latent abilities that are ready grown-developed. All the tendency of non-material nature. Spiritual tendency of human nature which is owned by fitri, not the result of an effort. This is a fact supported by science.
William James said:
"If the right reasons and we are driving the material world, but why most of our desires and inclinations are not in accordance with the calculation of the material. This explains that the real reason and our drivers are the metaphysical world." (Psychoanalysis and Religion, p.. 508. New York, 1929)
Given the spiritual tendencies do exist, then the tendency ¬ This tendency must be grown with well-developed and carefully. If not, might this tendency to deviate from the right path, and the result is a loss that could not be closed.
Another psychologist, Erich Fromm, said:
"No man who does not need religion and does not want the limits to its orientation and subject to its past. Man alone may not distinguish between religious belief and non-religious beliefs, and may believe that he was not religious. Perhaps he looked to focus seemingly nonreligious purposes, such as the treasure, throne or success, as a mere gesture attention to practical matters and efforts to realize his own welfare. What matters is not whether people are religious or not religious, but rather what their religion. " (Psychoanalysis and Religum, p.. 508)
What is meant by this psychologist is, that man can not live without cleanse and love something. If not recognized and worshiped God, he must recognize something as an absolute reality, and certainly making it an object of belief and worship. Given the ideal human being needs and beliefs, and by instinct he tried to get something that may be consecrated and adored, then the only way is to increase our religious beliefs, which is the only belief that can really affect humans.
The Holy Qur'an is the first book that described the religious beliefs as a kind of harmony between man and the universe.
Are they looking for something other than the religion of Allah? However submissive to Him what is in heaven and on earth. (Surah Ali 'Imran: 83)
The Holy Qur'an also mentions that religious belief is part of human nature.
So hadapkanlah a straight face to the religion. That is nature in which God Creating man by nature has it. (Surat ar-Rum: 30)
Influence and Benefits Confidence
The influence of religious beliefs we have alluded. However, to further explain the benefits of this valuable asset life and spiritual wealth, we will discuss in more detail.
Tolstoy, a Russian writer who once philosopher, said: "Confidence is something that is needed in human life." An Iranian poet and thinker, Hakim Nasir Khusrow, said to his son: "I have turned to religion, because to me a world without religion is like prison. I do not want my natural bent and twisted." Many of the positive influence by religious beliefs. Religious beliefs embody happiness and joy, developing social relationships, and reduce and eliminate the anxiety that characterize the subject of this material world. We will explain the influence of religious faith from the third point of view;
1. Happiness and joy
The first influence of religious beliefs, viewed from the standpoint of happiness and joy, is optimism. A person who has religious beliefs are always optimistic attitude toward the world, life and the universe. Own religious beliefs gave shape to the human attitude toward the world. Because according to religion, the universe was a purpose and that purpose is the improvement (progress) and the evolution, then of course the religious beliefs affect human view and makes people optimistic about the system of the universe and the laws governing the universe. The attitude of a religious belief of the universe is the same as the attitude of one who lived in a country that believes that the system, laws and the formation of a great country, that country's leaders are sincere and mean well, and that every citizen in the country, including himself, opportunity to make achievements. People like that of course would argue that the cause remains terkebelakangnya himself or others, none other than laziness and no inexperienced person concerned, and that he and other residents are responsible and in tun tut to fulfill their duties.
A person who has religious beliefs will be responsible for the backwardness of her and would not blame his country and his administration on such underdevelopment. He believes that if anything goes wrong, it's because he and other residents like him of not doing a good job. Of course these feelings will evoke a sense of pride, and encourage him to move forward with great optimism.
Conversely, people who have no religious belief is like the people who live in a country whose system of law and the formation he believed unjust, and that person was forced to accept, though not in accordance with his conscience, systems, laws and the formation of the country. The hearts of people like that will always be filled with hatred and revenge. One bit that she would never plan to improve the quality itself. He said if everything had gone wrong, honesty and sincerity itself would be useless. Such a person will never enjoy the world. For him, this world will always be such a frightening prison. That is why the Qur'an says:
And whosoever turn away from Me, then surely narrow for her livelihood. (Surah Ta Ha: 124)
Indeed, religiuslah beliefs that make our lives spiritually roomy, and that saves us from the pressure of spiritual factors. From the standpoint of happiness and joy of creation, both the influence of religious belief is tercerahkannya had. If we truly see the world enlightened by the light of truth, the heart and soul as well enlightened. Religious belief is like a lantern that illuminates the spiritual. Conversely, people who have no religious beliefs saw the world dark, dirty and meaningless, and consequently the person's heart remains pitch black in the world who thinks it's dark.
The third influence of religious belief, from the standpoint of happiness and joy, is the view that a good effort to bring good results as well. From the standpoint of pure ma ¬ terial, this world no matter who is straight and true path, and who is wrong way. The results of an effort determined solely by one thing, that is how hard the effort is done. However, according to the perspective of people who have religious faith, this world is not neutral and indifferent to the efforts of people who do right and wrong. The world's reaction to the efforts of two groups is not the same. System of the universe supports people who are doing to to ¬ truth, justice and integrity.
The Qur'an says:
If you help (religion of) Allah, He will help you. (Surah Muhammad: 7)
Verily, Allah does not waste the reward of those who intend good. (Surat at-Tawbah: 120, Hud: 115, Yusuf: 90)
The fourth influence of religious beliefs, viewed from the standpoint of happiness and joy of creation, is the mental satisfaction. Basically, people try to succeed, and plan for success is making her flowery. Fear of the dark future that makes him feel horrified and disturbed his calm. There are two things that make people happy and satisfied: (1) effort (2) the satisfaction of the conditions prevalent in the environment.
The success of a student is determined by two things: First, his own effort. Second, the atmosphere is conducive or not in school, and encouragement from the school. If a hard-working student who does not believe the atmosphere of his school and his teachers, year-round learning he would be concerned that there is unfair treatment and will be gripped by anxiety.
Humans learn his duty to himself. This aspect does not worry him, because what bothers people is the feeling of doubt and uncertainty. Humans believe in everything that matters to him. Who harass people and that is not obvious to a human is his duty to the world. The question that most bothered him is: Do good deeds is useless? Are truth and honesty that helps achieve the goal? Is the end of penunaian task is vanity? These are the questions that give rise to anxiety in its most horrific.
Religious belief restore confidence man to the world, and eliminate disbelief to the behavior of the world against him. That's why we say that one of the influences of religious belief is a mental tranquility. Another influence of religious belief, from the standpoint of joy and happiness, is more to enjoy the pleasure that is known as a spiritual enjoyment. There are two kinds of pleasure that can be felt by humans. The first kind of pleasure associated with one of the five senses. Such pleasure is felt thanks to the occurrence of contact between human organs and certain objects. Gain pleasure through the eye to see, ears through the hearing, through the mouth feel, and sense of touch by touching or touching. Other types of pleasure is pleasure associated with the human soul and inner senses. Pleasure as it has nothing to do with the organs of the body, and not acquired through contact with certain objects. Such pleasure is obtained when we do good to people or other beings, when we are respected and become popular, or if we are successful or if your child succeed. Such pleasures are not specifically related to the organ, is also not directly influenced by material factors.
Spiritual pleasure is stronger and more lasting pleasure ketinabang material. Pleasure that is felt by those who sincerely worship God with a solemn worship is spiritual enjoyment. In the language of religion, the spiritual pleasure ¬ described as "the joy of faith" and "It's Faith". It was more delicious than the faith-and beyond-the other flavors. Spiritual enjoyment will grow if we do good, for example, seek knowledge, to help people or other creatures, or successfully carry out tasks that are driven by a religious sense. Every act is done for Allah, an act of worship and bring enjoyment.
2. The Role of Religious Beliefs in Improving Social Relationships Like most other animals, humans like to live with ¬ group. No one human being who alone can meet all needs. In this life is absolutely necessary cooperation. There must be give and take (mutual giving and receiving) and the division of labor. However, there is one difference between humans and other animals are also gregarious, like bees for example. Other animals instinctively follow the principle of division of labor. This animal was unable to not follow this law. In contrast, humans freely. Humans have the power to choose. Humans can do the job he likes, and see this work as a duty. In other words, in other animals are also gregarious, social instincts forced. Although human needs are social, but in the human social instincts are not enforced. Social instincts in human beings exist in the form of encouragement that can be grown developed through education and training.
Social life is good if all laws and respect the individual rights of each, showing a sense of friendship toward each other, and considered sacred justice. In a healthy society, everyone wants to others what you want for themselves and not to ¬ mum to others what is not desired for himself. All individual mutual trust, and the basis of mutual trust is the quality of their spiritual. Each person feels responsible for the society, also shows the quality of piety and virtue when alone or when in society, and do good to others with sincerity. All members of the community against tyranny and injustice, and not let the mischief or evil oppressors. All members of the community respect the moral values and live together in perfect unity and harmony like the organs in one body.
Religious belief alone, above all, respect for truth, respect for justice, encourage virtue and mutual confidence, instilling the spirit of piety, acknowledged moral values, encouraging individuals to oppose tyranny and individuals unite into one solid body. Most brilliant and famous figures in the world and in history of religious feeling inspired.
3. Reduce Anxiety: Human life ranged from success, achievement, pleasure, joy and failure, pain, and anxiety. A lot of suffering and failure can be prevented or treated, of course with great effort. Clearly, humans were responsible ¬ subdue nature and turn misfortune into good fortune to live life. However, many bitter incidents can not be prevented or also not be challenged. For example, take the example of advanced age. Gradually the elderly and people must be experiencing a deterioration of physical condition due to old age. Advanced age, body condition and illness setbacks make life difficult elderly. Fear of death and fear of this world pass to another person always feels painful.
Religious belief gives people the power to oppose and strength to survive and transform into a sweet bitterness. People who have religious faith to know that everything in this world there is the scheme. If the person is not possible out of the bitterness of life, then God will give him compensation in other ways, provided he showed a good reaction to the misfortune of his life. For people who are devout, old age is fun and more enjoyable than the younger age for two reasons: First, he does not believe that old age is the end of everything; second, the time that there are still exploited with fun worship and remembrance of Allah.
The attitude of believers towards death in a manner different from unbelievers. For the believer, death is not mean total destruction, but merely the transition from the secular world that this small to the great eternal nature. Death means leaving the "world of work" toward a "world results." Because it is addressing believers fear death to keep myself busy doing good, and good deeds is the religion called "good deeds." Psychiatrists acknowledges that it is an undeniable fact that most mental illness caused by mental anguish and bitterness of life, and This disease commonly found among nonreligious people. This modern-day diseases, which arise due to lack of religious beliefs, the more widespread form of mental illness and neurological
It is important to note that religious faith alone can transform man into a true believer, and able to control egoism thanks to the powerful influence of a doctrine and ideology. Religious belief in oneself creates a total obedience, until that person can no longer be doubted very trivial doctrines contained in his school. He keeps his school with tenderness in his heart, and think that if his school without it life would make no sense, and vigorously support his ideology.
Character of Religious Beliefs
Religious tendencies encourage people to make efforts, even at the expense of individualistic and instinctive feelings. Sometimes people sacrifice their lives and social position for the sake of his religion. This can happen only when the ideal has been attained and fully control its existence. Only religiuslah strength that can make an ideal to be holy, and make this ideal has the authority to humans.
Indeed, often people sacrifice their lives, their property and all who loved not for the sake of an ideal or whatever religious beliefs, but because of pressure from hatred, envy, revenge, or because of a strong reaction to feeling oppressed. Such cases are common place throughout the world.
However, between the religious ideal and the ideal of non-religious makes no difference. Because religious beliefs can make an ideal to be holy, then for the sake of that belief made many sacrifices sincerely and instinctively. The task is accomplished by showing a sincere choice, but the task is accomplished due to the disturbing influence of mental stress, meaning an explosion. Clearly, there is a difference between them is great.
Furthermore, if the human conception of the world is material only and is basically just a reality that is invisible to the eye, then he saw all forms of social and human idealism with reality are invisible and their relationship to the world that he felt at a given moment.
American philosopher, psychologist at the same time the beginning of the 20th century, William James, said:
"Results from conception persepsional just selfishness, not idealism. Idealization is not going to cross the line if it is essentially a fantasy world conception of the ideal outcome is a logical question. Man must form a world of his own ideas, which are formed from the realities that exist within him , and lived happily with the world of ideas. However, if idealism born out of religious conviction, the idealism is essentially a conception of the world, the logical result supports the social ideal. Religious belief is a kind of intimate relationship between man and the world, or in other words a kind of harmony between man and the universal ideal. In contrast, non-religious beliefs and the ideal is sort pencampakan the visible world to build an imaginary world that did not have the support of the invisible world. "
Religious belief is not just for humans set number of tasks, regardless of instinctive tendencies, but also completely changed his view of the world. In view of this structure, he began to see new elements. The world is dry, cold, mechanical and material was converted into a living world. Religious belief change human impressions about the universe. William James said:
"The world is shown by the religious thought of not only the material world which has changed its shape, but also includes many aspects that can not be imagined by a materialist." (Psychoanalysis and Religion, p.. 508)
In addition, each man has a disposition to believe in truth and spiritual reality of interest. Humans have many latent abilities that are ready grown-developed. All the tendency of non-material nature. Spiritual tendency of human nature which is owned by fitri, not the result of an effort. This is a fact supported by science.
William James said:
"If the right reasons and we are driving the material world, but why most of our desires and inclinations are not in accordance with the calculation of the material. This explains that the real reason and our drivers are the metaphysical world." (Psychoanalysis and Religion, p.. 508. New York, 1929)
Given the spiritual tendencies do exist, then the tendency ¬ This tendency must be grown with well-developed and carefully. If not, might this tendency to deviate from the right path, and the result is a loss that could not be closed.
Another psychologist, Erich Fromm, said:
"No man who does not need religion and does not want the limits to its orientation and subject to its past. Man alone may not distinguish between religious belief and non-religious beliefs, and may believe that he was not religious. Perhaps he looked to focus seemingly nonreligious purposes, such as the treasure, throne or success, as a mere gesture attention to practical matters and efforts to realize his own welfare. What matters is not whether people are religious or not religious, but rather what their religion. " (Psychoanalysis and Religum, p.. 508)
What is meant by this psychologist is, that man can not live without cleanse and love something. If not recognized and worshiped God, he must recognize something as an absolute reality, and certainly making it an object of belief and worship. Given the ideal human being needs and beliefs, and by instinct he tried to get something that may be consecrated and adored, then the only way is to increase our religious beliefs, which is the only belief that can really affect humans.
The Holy Qur'an is the first book that described the religious beliefs as a kind of harmony between man and the universe.
Are they looking for something other than the religion of Allah? However submissive to Him what is in heaven and on earth. (Surah Ali 'Imran: 83)
The Holy Qur'an also mentions that religious belief is part of human nature.
So hadapkanlah a straight face to the religion. That is nature in which God Creating man by nature has it. (Surat ar-Rum: 30)
Influence and Benefits Confidence
The influence of religious beliefs we have alluded. However, to further explain the benefits of this valuable asset life and spiritual wealth, we will discuss in more detail.
Tolstoy, a Russian writer who once philosopher, said: "Confidence is something that is needed in human life." An Iranian poet and thinker, Hakim Nasir Khusrow, said to his son: "I have turned to religion, because to me a world without religion is like prison. I do not want my natural bent and twisted." Many of the positive influence by religious beliefs. Religious beliefs embody happiness and joy, developing social relationships, and reduce and eliminate the anxiety that characterize the subject of this material world. We will explain the influence of religious faith from the third point of view;
1. Happiness and joy
The first influence of religious beliefs, viewed from the standpoint of happiness and joy, is optimism. A person who has religious beliefs are always optimistic attitude toward the world, life and the universe. Own religious beliefs gave shape to the human attitude toward the world. Because according to religion, the universe was a purpose and that purpose is the improvement (progress) and the evolution, then of course the religious beliefs affect human view and makes people optimistic about the system of the universe and the laws governing the universe. The attitude of a religious belief of the universe is the same as the attitude of one who lived in a country that believes that the system, laws and the formation of a great country, that country's leaders are sincere and mean well, and that every citizen in the country, including himself, opportunity to make achievements. People like that of course would argue that the cause remains terkebelakangnya himself or others, none other than laziness and no inexperienced person concerned, and that he and other residents are responsible and in tun tut to fulfill their duties.
A person who has religious beliefs will be responsible for the backwardness of her and would not blame his country and his administration on such underdevelopment. He believes that if anything goes wrong, it's because he and other residents like him of not doing a good job. Of course these feelings will evoke a sense of pride, and encourage him to move forward with great optimism.
Conversely, people who have no religious belief is like the people who live in a country whose system of law and the formation he believed unjust, and that person was forced to accept, though not in accordance with his conscience, systems, laws and the formation of the country. The hearts of people like that will always be filled with hatred and revenge. One bit that she would never plan to improve the quality itself. He said if everything had gone wrong, honesty and sincerity itself would be useless. Such a person will never enjoy the world. For him, this world will always be such a frightening prison. That is why the Qur'an says:
And whosoever turn away from Me, then surely narrow for her livelihood. (Surah Ta Ha: 124)
Indeed, religiuslah beliefs that make our lives spiritually roomy, and that saves us from the pressure of spiritual factors. From the standpoint of happiness and joy of creation, both the influence of religious belief is tercerahkannya had. If we truly see the world enlightened by the light of truth, the heart and soul as well enlightened. Religious belief is like a lantern that illuminates the spiritual. Conversely, people who have no religious beliefs saw the world dark, dirty and meaningless, and consequently the person's heart remains pitch black in the world who thinks it's dark.
The third influence of religious belief, from the standpoint of happiness and joy, is the view that a good effort to bring good results as well. From the standpoint of pure ma ¬ terial, this world no matter who is straight and true path, and who is wrong way. The results of an effort determined solely by one thing, that is how hard the effort is done. However, according to the perspective of people who have religious faith, this world is not neutral and indifferent to the efforts of people who do right and wrong. The world's reaction to the efforts of two groups is not the same. System of the universe supports people who are doing to to ¬ truth, justice and integrity.
The Qur'an says:
If you help (religion of) Allah, He will help you. (Surah Muhammad: 7)
Verily, Allah does not waste the reward of those who intend good. (Surat at-Tawbah: 120, Hud: 115, Yusuf: 90)
The fourth influence of religious beliefs, viewed from the standpoint of happiness and joy of creation, is the mental satisfaction. Basically, people try to succeed, and plan for success is making her flowery. Fear of the dark future that makes him feel horrified and disturbed his calm. There are two things that make people happy and satisfied: (1) effort (2) the satisfaction of the conditions prevalent in the environment.
The success of a student is determined by two things: First, his own effort. Second, the atmosphere is conducive or not in school, and encouragement from the school. If a hard-working student who does not believe the atmosphere of his school and his teachers, year-round learning he would be concerned that there is unfair treatment and will be gripped by anxiety.
Humans learn his duty to himself. This aspect does not worry him, because what bothers people is the feeling of doubt and uncertainty. Humans believe in everything that matters to him. Who harass people and that is not obvious to a human is his duty to the world. The question that most bothered him is: Do good deeds is useless? Are truth and honesty that helps achieve the goal? Is the end of penunaian task is vanity? These are the questions that give rise to anxiety in its most horrific.
Religious belief restore confidence man to the world, and eliminate disbelief to the behavior of the world against him. That's why we say that one of the influences of religious belief is a mental tranquility. Another influence of religious belief, from the standpoint of joy and happiness, is more to enjoy the pleasure that is known as a spiritual enjoyment. There are two kinds of pleasure that can be felt by humans. The first kind of pleasure associated with one of the five senses. Such pleasure is felt thanks to the occurrence of contact between human organs and certain objects. Gain pleasure through the eye to see, ears through the hearing, through the mouth feel, and sense of touch by touching or touching. Other types of pleasure is pleasure associated with the human soul and inner senses. Pleasure as it has nothing to do with the organs of the body, and not acquired through contact with certain objects. Such pleasure is obtained when we do good to people or other beings, when we are respected and become popular, or if we are successful or if your child succeed. Such pleasures are not specifically related to the organ, is also not directly influenced by material factors.
Spiritual pleasure is stronger and more lasting pleasure ketinabang material. Pleasure that is felt by those who sincerely worship God with a solemn worship is spiritual enjoyment. In the language of religion, the spiritual pleasure ¬ described as "the joy of faith" and "It's Faith". It was more delicious than the faith-and beyond-the other flavors. Spiritual enjoyment will grow if we do good, for example, seek knowledge, to help people or other creatures, or successfully carry out tasks that are driven by a religious sense. Every act is done for Allah, an act of worship and bring enjoyment.
2. The Role of Religious Beliefs in Improving Social Relationships Like most other animals, humans like to live with ¬ group. No one human being who alone can meet all needs. In this life is absolutely necessary cooperation. There must be give and take (mutual giving and receiving) and the division of labor. However, there is one difference between humans and other animals are also gregarious, like bees for example. Other animals instinctively follow the principle of division of labor. This animal was unable to not follow this law. In contrast, humans freely. Humans have the power to choose. Humans can do the job he likes, and see this work as a duty. In other words, in other animals are also gregarious, social instincts forced. Although human needs are social, but in the human social instincts are not enforced. Social instincts in human beings exist in the form of encouragement that can be grown developed through education and training.
Social life is good if all laws and respect the individual rights of each, showing a sense of friendship toward each other, and considered sacred justice. In a healthy society, everyone wants to others what you want for themselves and not to ¬ mum to others what is not desired for himself. All individual mutual trust, and the basis of mutual trust is the quality of their spiritual. Each person feels responsible for the society, also shows the quality of piety and virtue when alone or when in society, and do good to others with sincerity. All members of the community against tyranny and injustice, and not let the mischief or evil oppressors. All members of the community respect the moral values and live together in perfect unity and harmony like the organs in one body.
Religious belief alone, above all, respect for truth, respect for justice, encourage virtue and mutual confidence, instilling the spirit of piety, acknowledged moral values, encouraging individuals to oppose tyranny and individuals unite into one solid body. Most brilliant and famous figures in the world and in history of religious feeling inspired.
3. Reduce Anxiety: Human life ranged from success, achievement, pleasure, joy and failure, pain, and anxiety. A lot of suffering and failure can be prevented or treated, of course with great effort. Clearly, humans were responsible ¬ subdue nature and turn misfortune into good fortune to live life. However, many bitter incidents can not be prevented or also not be challenged. For example, take the example of advanced age. Gradually the elderly and people must be experiencing a deterioration of physical condition due to old age. Advanced age, body condition and illness setbacks make life difficult elderly. Fear of death and fear of this world pass to another person always feels painful.
Religious belief gives people the power to oppose and strength to survive and transform into a sweet bitterness. People who have religious faith to know that everything in this world there is the scheme. If the person is not possible out of the bitterness of life, then God will give him compensation in other ways, provided he showed a good reaction to the misfortune of his life. For people who are devout, old age is fun and more enjoyable than the younger age for two reasons: First, he does not believe that old age is the end of everything; second, the time that there are still exploited with fun worship and remembrance of Allah.
The attitude of believers towards death in a manner different from unbelievers. For the believer, death is not mean total destruction, but merely the transition from the secular world that this small to the great eternal nature. Death means leaving the "world of work" toward a "world results." Because it is addressing believers fear death to keep myself busy doing good, and good deeds is the religion called "good deeds." Psychiatrists acknowledges that it is an undeniable fact that most mental illness caused by mental anguish and bitterness of life, and This disease commonly found among nonreligious people. This modern-day diseases, which arise due to lack of religious beliefs, the more widespread form of mental illness and neurological